Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The end is nigh, and about bloody time.

At last we have nearly completed the 2007 phase of improving our house. What started as the central heating and replacement of knackered old conservatory has turned into a marathon of DIY as one job knackered something, that required more work, that knackered something else, which required more work. And so on, and so on.

Here's some pictures of the hallway and stair case after having been re-plastered, painted and now awaiting new floor for downstairs and new carpet for the stairs and landing.

Household improvements Household improvements Household improvements Household improvements

Once the floor/carpet is installed (tomorrow hopefully) we intend to rest, recover from our colds and tend to the dog (who had a stroke on Sunday and now walks - but not often - like she's pissed) in the hope that we all (dog included) recover in time for Christmas.

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